Class Portal Milestone 1

Portal Concept

My portal site will mimic the parallax effect used on the Firewatch website. The Firewatch site’s parallax effect is created by 8 layers which are all translated at different rates using javascript. Each layer has parallax class and a data-speed value, and the firewizard.js file modifies each layer’s css transformation3D property based on their ‘data-speed’ values whenever user scrolls.

Each page on my portal will have the same parallax effect, but with a different title. For smaller screens, the parallax effect will be replaced by a single image that follows the user’s scrolling like normal. Since ATLS5630 is about ‘designing’ an ‘building’, I plan on making the parallax images a surreal landscape with oversized drafting and construction tools mixed in.

Visual Design

Below are sketches of the portal site’s design. Notes are in red.

Site Structure

File Organization:

  • index.html
  • style.css
  • sections/
    • classLabs.html
    • projects.html

Responsive Design Description

The parallax effect will only be active for max-device-width’s greater than 600px. For smaller screens, the parallax effect will be replaced by a single image. The section bar along the top will be removed and placed at the bottom of the page when the items get too crowded.