Project 2 Milestone 2

For this milestone I worked on static versions of the Game, GuessList, Guess, ColorPicker, and ColorPeg components.

The Game, GuessList, Guess, ColorPicker, and ColorPeg components as of this commit

Here is a copy of the readme on our github repo on 11/16/21, containing the component breakdown, a link to the static version, representation of state, and a list of team members and responsibilities.

Mock Up Sketch

Component Breakdown

Static Version

Representation of State

State will be stored in two components:

  • Mastermind
    • Stores the Settings as three numbers
  • Game
    • Stores guesses as an array of objects each with a number and a list of colors indices, e.g.{number: 1, colors: [1,2,3,4]}. The number is the number of the guess, and the color indices are numbers corresponding to colors in ColorPicker and ColorPeg.
    • Stores the correct answer as a list of color indices.
    • Stores the currently selected color as a number.
    • Stores the current guess number.

List of Team Members and Responsibilities

  • Myles Cork
    • The Game component’s state and the following components it interacts with
      • Mastermind (Game will receive settings from Mastermind)
      • ColorPicker (Calling functions for changing selected color passed to it from Game. Updating the number of colors shown based on the number of possible colors setting passed to it from Game)
      • GuessList and Guess (Calling functions passed from Game to update state)
  • Zhengyuan Zhang
    • The Mastermind component’s state and the following components it interacts with
      • Settings (Receiving current state and functions for modifying from Mastermind. Calling functions when buttons are pressed)
      • FlowBar (Updating bar based on props passed to it from Game. Receiving functions from Game to be called when buttons are pressed)